Tuesday, 8 April 2014

PDF⋙ Why Is There Gravity? by Ryan Gregory Thomas

Why Is There Gravity? by Ryan Gregory Thomas

Why Is There Gravity?

Why Is There Gravity? by Ryan Gregory Thomas PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Spatial matter is all around us. It was here before anything else (except, of course, spatial matter precursor). Spatial matter is the colorless and virtually invisible substance that brings about the phenomenon of gravity, not only that but also a wide range of other phenomena later to be discussed. It has many layers of density, but its highest density is likely around .00001 to .000001 g per cubic cm. However, because there is so much spatial matter, it's actually very densely-packed together in the vacuum of space, and therefore pretty dang heavy as a bulk substance. We pretend we don’t see it, and further that pretension by ignoring its forceful press on our bodies (keeping us tethered to the surface of planet earth). Still, it is everywhere around us. Spatial matter is extremely bulky, which makes it very heavy and forceful. Through different forces it can apply, spatial matter can hold up all objects in outer space, fasten all objects onto the surface of a large cosmological object, turn all cosmological objects so they rotate (i.e. spin on an axis), and can even carry smaller cosmological objects so they "orbit" larger cosmological objects. That's a lot of stuff for one substance to handle, yet spatial matter is certainly up to the task! On the other hand, spatial matter is one of the least solid substances in existence, which is good because if spatial matter were more solid or dense than the planets, moons, and stars, there'd be no room for anything of them. They wouldn't "fit" in the vacuum of space. Life wouldn't ever have been possible.

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