Thursday, 26 June 2014

PDF⋙ Flowers of the Month Granny Squares: 12 Squares and Instructions for a Blanket by Margaret Hubert

Flowers of the Month Granny Squares: 12 Squares and Instructions for a Blanket by Margaret Hubert

Flowers of the Month Granny Squares: 12 Squares and Instructions for a Blanket

Flowers of the Month Granny Squares: 12 Squares and Instructions for a Blanket by Margaret Hubert PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Spring, summer, winter or fall--enjoy the perfect crochet book for any season!

Flowers of the Month Granny Squares includes both written and charted instructions for 12 original granny squares representing a new flower for every month of the year. For those new to crocheting granny quares or those who just need a refresher, all the granny square basics are covered. Complete instructions are also provided for combining all the squares into a fabulous flowery blanket.

Use your imagination with these unique granny squares to create a blanket, sweater, hat, or almost any other crocheted item. Since you work on small pieces one at a time, this technique is perfect for anyone new to crocheting or just want a project that's great for on-the-go crochet.

Let designer Margaret Hubert be your guide to her fun, fast, pretty world of flower-inspired granny squares!

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Flowers of the Month Granny Squares: 12 Squares and Instructions for a Blanket by Margaret Hubert EPub

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